Use our 100% Romanita Tomato Juice to make this super easy soup.
Total Time: +/-
1 750ml of ZZ2 Romanita Tomato Juice
1 punnet of ZZ2 Romanita Tomatoes
2 handfuls of fresh basil
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tbsp. butter or Olive Oil
1 heaped teaspoon cornflour
1 tbsp. of nutritional yeast (purchase at any health shop)
Coconut cream for garnishing
1. First chop your ZZ2 Romanita tomatoes in half
2. Then, in a medium pot, melt the butter on a slow heat
3. When the butter starts to bubble, or if you used olive oil, when it gets hot, add in your chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste, as well as a handful of basil leaves (no need to chop them)
4. Sautee your tomatoes until soft (5 min usually) and then pour in the whole 750ml bottle of tomato juice. You most likely won’t need to season any further as this tomato juice is super flavourful.
5. Simmer for 15 minutes and then using a hand /stick blender, carefully blitz the tomato soup until smooth.
6. Now make a paste of 20ml of water, the cornflour and the nutritional yeast. Stir this paste into the soup and return to heat for another five minutes, during which time the soup will thicken up slightly. FYI - The nutritional yeast is a great way to add a rich creamy flavour to the soup, without adding any cream of cheese.
7. Remove soup from heat, pour into bowls and top with more basil, as well as a drizzle of coconut cream, or cream if you’d prefer.
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