High in lycopene
No added sugar
Not from concentrate
No water added
No preservatives
The ZZ2 100% Romanita Tomato Juice is made from fresh tomatoes that go directly from our fields into the beautiful and convenient juice boxes, available in ready-to-drink 330ml or family-sized 750ml juice boxes.
What distinguishes the ZZ2 100% Romanita Tomato Juice from other similar brands is that it is not made from concentrate. ZZ2 100% Romanita Tomato Juice provides health conscious customers with bio-availability of carotenoids and lycopene, both anti-cancer agents. It is available all year round and no sugars or taste-enhancers are added.
ZZ2 100% Romanita Tomato Juice uses an extraction process that maximises the total oil soluble solids (TSS) from juices - balancing alkaline, acidity, and sugars. Unlike other juices, ZZ2 100% Romanita Tomato Juice is farmer-generated, it cannot be made synthetically, and it is apparent in the beautiful taste.