ZZ2 Cattle


Why ZZ2 and cattle farming? Sustainable tomato farming necessitates the availability of irrigable land with a 3-7-year rotational period, depending on the region. Cattle farming on this land supports the principles of sustainable land utilisation and enhanced soil health, in support of ZZ2's Natuurboerdery principles.

ZZ2 owns both the largest Pinzgauer and PinZ²yl studs in the world

ZZ2 is a supplier of sought after genetics for these breeds

We produce weaners and supply to feedlots


The Pinzgauer originates from the Pinzgau region in Austria and has been around since 400AD. Pinzgauer cattle were first imported to Africa in 1902. ZZ2 imported their Pinzgauers from Namibia and Austria to build their herd.

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The PinZ²yl brings together thousands of years of natural selection in an African environment of the Nguni breed, the performance and production qualities of the Pinzgauer breed, and introduces an economical and low maintenance breed to Africa.

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ZZ2 also recently registered the ZZN Nguni Stud to broaden the genetic diversity of the ZZ2 Nguni’s as an input to our PinZ²yl herds, both Stud and Commercial. Genetics were sourced from the famous Zulana Stud from Namibia, Modjadji stud from Mooketsi and various renowned bulls from top breeders

This stud will continuously be enriched with some of the best genetics available in the Nguni breed. Ngunis are renowned for their low maintenance and as a hardy and resistant breed that can survive harsh African conditions. The cows are noted for their fertility and their mothering ability. The heifers conceive at a comparatively young age and the cows are also known for their longevity. They give birth easily to robust viable calves and post-calving problems are minimal.


The backbone of ZZ2 cattle farming is the ZZ2 Commercial Herd of predominantly PinZ²yl breeding stock. This herd is the incubator for the weaner production as well as heifer replacement programmes.

ZZ2 cattle undergo production recording in all phases (Phase A, B, C, D & E). This is a tool used to measure and assess cattle performance and optimise production across herds. It aids in identifying inefficient producers eligible for culling and efficient producers that qualify for further breeding.

ZZ2 Nguni
ZZ2 Pinzgauer
ZZ2 Pinzyl

The ZZ2 Cattle Breeding Policy is very focused and based on a 12-month Cattle Management Plan which is established on the following two principles:

Controlled breeding (65 days breeding period) is used to ensure that cows calve within a limited period for the most effective utilisation of the natural grazing, thus synchronising the highest nutritional needs of the cows, with the period of highest natural nutritional availability (natural grazing). This is the most important management goal for profitable cattle farming-synchronize with nature.

Controlled breeding and calving provide the structure for effective implementation of a 12-month pre-planned herd health and production management plan, a monthly action plan and optimal selection decisions. These focused and well described management actions, as contained in the Cattle Protocol’s, can thus be executed at the critical control points during the year long production cycle, involving uniform groups of animals.


Disease prevention through planned health management is the approach used by ZZ2.
It is based on:

  • A Cattle Year Plan
  • 28 Cattle Protocols that describe the purpose, importance and execution of every animal health and production management action taken.
  • Monthly Management Action and Checklists for each disease prevention action
  • Daily WhatsApp Reporting by the herdsmen at each herd, which include the status of the water, grazing, lick, ticks, any signs of disease observed and any treatment/s done.
  • Cattle herds are tested on a yearly basis to ensure that they are free of Brucellosis and the venereal diseases (Vibriosis and Trichomonosis)

All the health and production management actions are captured on BenguFarm Beef. A consulting veterinarian visits the farm monthly to monitor disease problems -  also daily through reporting on WhatsApp.


ZZ2, being the custodian of the PinZ²yl breed, successfully finalised the formal registration of the PinZ²yl as a new breed in South Africa by declaration in the Government Gazette No. 47789 dated 23 December 2022. ZZ2 is currently undertaking various projects to improve and extend the genetic advantages of the PinZ²yl cattle breed by introducing various new blood lines from totally unrelated Sire and Dam lines and by introducing reciprocal crossbreeding principles.

Another ZZ2 venture is the introduction of ZZ2’s Natuurboerdery principles into the cattle farming arena by e.g. implementing Oxpecker friendly tick remedies. This already shows positive results in the increase of numbers and distribution of Oxpecker birds in the Mooketsi area. Another future project is the development of an oxen meat program whereby the vast mountainous areas to our disposal, are used for the production of hormone free meat products on natural grazing. With these new initiatives, ZZ2 strives to stay ahead with continuous improvement in sustainable cattle farming practices.


Why ZZ2 and cattle farming? Sustainable tomato farming necessitates the availability of irrigable land with a 3-7-yearrotational period, depending on the region. Cattle farming on this land supports the principles of sustainable land utilisation and enhanced soil health, in support of ZZ2's Natuurboerdery principles.

  • ZZ2 owns both the largest Pinzgauer and PinZ²yl studs in the world

  • ZZ2 is a supplier of sought after genetics for these breeds.

  • We produce weaners and supply to feedlots

ZZ2 Pinzgauer Logo

The Pinzgauer originates from the Pinzgau region in Austria and has been around since 400AD. Pinzgauer cattle were first imported to Africa in 1902. ZZ2 imported their Pinzgauers from Namibia and Austria to build their herd.ZZ2 Grootboom Pinzgauer Stud was registered in 1964.It is renowned for its exceptional sire-lines and has produced many superior breeding stock. The genetics available from this stud are sought after by large breeders. The ZZ2 Grootboom Pinzgauer Stud use breeding technologies such as artificial insemination and embryo transfer. This makes the ZZ2 Grootboom Pinzgauer Stud the main supplier of Pinzgauer genetics in the Southern African Pinzgauer industry. ZZ2 Grootboom has been recognised by SA Studbook as one of the 10%of  breeders to get a silver merit as an elite stud with an average ICP of 375 days in a 65 days summer breeding season

The Pinzgauer is known for its distinctive colour pattern. These uniform animals are bred with the goal to produce more meat per hectare in harsh, extensive conditions and have excellent dairy ranching potential. The Pinzgauer is a dual-purpose breed that produces both quality beef and good milk yields. They have a medium frame build with good breadth, depth and immense beef capacity. Pinzgauers are renowned for their longevity. Bulls can breed for 12 years and cows can live as long as 18 years. They have an excellent walking-ability to graze over large areas. The cows have exceptional mothering qualities. The management team at ZZ2 Cattle Division guarantees dedication to delivering only animals of the highest quality based on production principles, latest technology, integrity and with a social and environmental conscience.


The PinZ²yl brings together thousands of years of natural selection in an African environment of the Nguni breed, the performance and production qualities of the Pinzgauer breed, and introduces an economical and low maintenance breed to Africa.The PinZ²yl has been bred and strictly selected for economic production in extensive cattle grazing regions. Originally bred in the Mooketsi valley, Limpopo - a climatically harsh and disease-ridden area in Africa - the PinZ²yl has developed into a tough breed. The name PinZ²yl refers to the Pinzgauer origins of the breed as well as the ZZ2 brand name. The '2' in the middle of PinZ²yl refers not only to ZZ2 but also refers to bringing together the best of two very different worlds, namely the oldest indigenous pure breed in South Africa, the Nguni, and the oldest European pure breed, the Pinzgauer. The Zyl refers to the Van Zyl family.

The ZZ2 Mathomo PinZ²yl (PZ) Stud is another one of ZZ2's performing herds. This herd is the pioneer PinZ²yl stud and has been crossbreeding Nguni dame-lines with Pinzgauer sire-lines since2000. The ZZ2 Mathomo PinZ²yl's can be seen at Grootboom in Mooketsi. The animals in this herd are selected to thrive with low maintenance cost and minimal management. All the cattle in this herd are highly fertile and adapted to veld conditions. They are selected for tick and heat-resistance, calving ease and low calf mortality, functional efficiency and good mothering ability. The Mathomo PinZ²yl stud has been awarded many merits of longevity and fertility. The low lick, dip, medicinal and management requirements, will ensure that Grootboom Estate and its clients benefit.


ZZ2 also recently registered the ZZN Nguni Stud to broaden the genetic diversity of the ZZ2 Nguni’s as an input to ourPinZ²yl herds, both Stud and Commercial. Genetics were sourced from the famous Zulana Stud from Namibia, Modjadji stud from Mooketsi and various renowned bulls from top breeders. This stud will continuously be enriched with some of the best genetics available in the Nguni breed. Ngunis are renowned for their low maintenance and as a hardy and resistant breed that can survive harsh African conditions. The cows are notedfor their fertility and their mothering ability. The heifers conceive at a comparatively young age and the cows are also known for their longevity. Theygive birth easily to robust viable calves and post-calving problems areminimal.


The backbone of ZZ2 cattle farming is the ZZ2 Commercial Herd of predominantly PinZ²yl breeding stock. This herd is the incubator for the weaner production as well as heifer replacement programmes.

ZZ2 cattle undergo production recording in all phases (Phase A, B,C, D & E). This is a tool used to measure and assess cattle performance and optimise production across herds. It aids in identifying inefficient producers eligible for culling and efficient producers that qualify for further breeding.


The ZZ2 Cattle Breeding Policy is very focused and based on a 12-month Cattle Management Plan which is established on the following two principles:

  • Controlled breeding (65 days breeding period) is used to ensure that cows calve within a limited period for the most effective utilisation of the natural grazing, thus synchronising the highest nutritional needs of the cows, with the period of highest natural nutritional availability (natural grazing). This is the most important management goal for profitable cattle farming-synchronize with nature.
  • Controlled breeding and calving provide the structure for effective implementation of a 12-month pre-planned herd health and production management plan, a monthly action plan and optimal selection decisions. These focused and well described management actions, as contained in the Cattle Protocol’s, can thus be     executed at the critical control points during the year long production cycle, involving uniform groups of animals.


Disease prevention through planned health management is the approach used by ZZ2.
It is based on:

  • A Cattle Year Plan
  • 28 Cattle Protocols that describe the purpose, importance and execution of every animal health and production management action taken.
  • Monthly Management Action and Checklists for each disease prevention action
  • Daily WhatsApp Reporting by the herdsmen at each herd, which include the status of the water, grazing, lick, ticks, any signs of disease observed and any treatment/s done.
  • Cattle herds are tested on a yearly basis to ensure that they are free of Brucellosis and the venereal diseases (Vibriosis and Trichomonosis)

All the health and production management actions are captured on BenguFarm Beef. A consulting veterinarian visits the farm monthly to monitor disease problems -  also daily through reporting on WhatsApp.

ZZ2 Nguni
ZZ2 Pinzgauer
ZZ2 Pinzyl


ZZ2, being the custodian of the PinZ²ylbreed, successfully finalised the formal registration of the PinZ²yl as a new breed in South Africa by declaration in the Government Gazette No. 47789 dated 23 December 2022. ZZ2 is currently undertaking various projects to improve and extend the genetic advantages of the PinZ²yl cattle breed by introducing various new blood lines from totally unrelated Sire and Dam lines and by introducing reciprocal crossbreeding principles.

Another ZZ2 venture is the introduction of ZZ2’s Natuurboerdery principles into the cattle farming arena by e.g. implementing Oxpecker friendly tick remedies. This already shows positive results in the increase of numbers and distribution of Oxpecker birds in the Mooketsi area. Another future project is the development of an oxen meat program whereby the vast mountainous areas to our disposal, are used for the production of hormone free meat products on natural grazing. With these new initiatives, ZZ2 strives to stay ahead with continuous improvement in sustainable cattle farming practices.

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